Friday 30 January 2015

Issy and Cynthia's phenomenal blog

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MONDAY: we had lots of fun making popcorn boxes. There were small boxes, medium boxes and large boxes.
We measured pieces of paper ( 5cm,10cm and 20cm ).
Then we cut them out with scissors and stuck them together with selo-tape or glue. Finally we decorated the boxes.

TUESDAY: we were learning about how to find the Volume of a popcorn box. You times the width by the length by the height.

  WEDNESDAY: we learned how to convert measurements such as m, cm, mm, g and kg. We did the loop game and worked out the questions.

Friday: We went bird watching because of the RSPB's Bird watch week. We went outside and we needed to look carefully for bird and identify which ones we could see. We made a pie chart from the results.

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MONDAY: We recapped and learnt a little bit more about speech marks ( inverted commas). Then in are Literacy books we wrote our steps to success.

We have been role playing a missing scene from The Piano, and this week we wrote it up as a story in our books. We had to include a conversation and focussed on using speech marks. 

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                             Guided Reading

MONDAY: Miss Bick made a Book Quiz and it was really hard but still fun. 

TUSEDAY: Phillip Pullman's group read with Miss Bick.
Meanwhile, the other groups read their guided reading 
books independently.

WEDNESDAY: Malorie Blackman read with Miss Bick.
Meanwhile we just read our Guided Reading books.

THURSDAY: Michael Morpurgo read with Mrs Hall.
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We were very lucky because we had a proper football coach from St. Albans city football club. He taught us how to pass and dribble.
 At the end of the lesson, the coach chose two people who were very good. IT'S US!

 We were very pleased with our achievement.
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  THURSDAY: Last week we stained coffee onto paper, this week we did the task of illuminated
texts and decorated the border. We picked a text from the bible and wrote a scene from it.

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                                    Big Write

WEDNESDAY: We did a talk homework to warm up for our big write this week. We had to reflect on what we knew about space. We wrote a poem about space. It needed to include lots of vocabulary, personification alliteration and metaphors. 
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Using chalk pastilles, we created a space picture. We needed to use the side of the pastille for the background,
the corner and edge of the pastille for the stars and moon. To make it blend, we used our fingers to rub our work so we could make it smudge.


In science we learnt about what happened to the chocolate buttons when they were under a light. Miss Bick set up an experiment to show how the sun shines on to the equator, and how the tilt of the earth causes the seasons. We predicted that the chocolate button which was closest to the equator would melt. My prediction was right! 
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1. What are two things you can't have for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner!
2. Why are piano's so hard to open?
Because the keys are inside!
3. What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An Investigator!
4. Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?
Because she will let it go!
5. How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it! 
6. What is the most hard working part of the eye?
the pupil!
7. Why did the picture go to jail?
Because it was framed! 
8. What did the leopard say after eating his owner?
Man, that really hit the "spot".
 9. Why is The Great Brittan the wettest country?
Because the Queen has reigned there for years! 


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                   WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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