Friday 23 January 2015

Joseph's and Beninjam's best blog ever!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Joseph & Beninjam's best blog ever!!!!!!!!!!! :) 


In ICT we are desighning a game on Scratch which is a game where you programme a Sprite/a Character to do commands that tells the sprite to move 


In Maths we have been doing measurements in Imperial and Metric style also we were converting EG: KM to miles, KG to Stones, G to Pounds, MM to CM, CM to inches
 stick people animation


In art we have been planing our moon buggies which is very difficult to make because it includes a lot of different materials.


In Literacy we have been doing some role play about The Piano one person is the old man and the other one can be either the soldier,the wife or the Grandchild.


In Pe we have been introduced to Football so we learned how to keep control of the football so we had to lay out 6 cones and had to weev our way through the cones.


In Science we have been learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon also we have been making the a fact file about one of the planets in our solar system.


In topic we are doing Crime and Punishment. This week we were finding out how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings crime and punishment was. Also how the Anglo-Saxons became the Anglo-Saxons this is why, the Angles and Saxons both settled in England and became Anglo-Saxons. Then the Vikings attacked and won and took over all of England apart from the south-West. They made all the towns,counties and cities.


In spellings we have been given a number of words Green, Yellow and Silver depending on how well we got in our test (Only four people got silver). In partner test we got tested on eight of our words.


What is the difference beetween a train and a school teacher
The difference is that the school teacher says take the gum out of your mouth and the train says Chew chew chew
Why are seagulls called seagulls
Because if they went over the bay they would be Baygulls

What is a three legged donkey

What did the cloud say to the sea
What did  the toilet say to the boy
You're a loser
Why did the cat go to Minnesota?
To get a mini soda
Where did the sheep go on vacation?
What do you call a cow that eats your grass?
A lawn moo-er

How do you make a goldfish old
Take away the G

What do you call a baby bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear

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