Monday 30 March 2015

Seussical 2015

What a talented group we have in Year 5 and 6.

A huge congratulations on all the children for being confident and putting on such great auditions for Seussical - it really does promise to be a great show.

It was such a hard decision for Mr Edwards, Miss Fowler and Miss Bick - you truly made our jobs hard!

Here is our cast list.

A huge congratulations to everybody; obviously some people will be slightly disappointed, but the standard was so high, that it was very difficult to pick. As always, we will endeavour to utilise the fabulous talents of all our Year 5 and 6 and everyone involved is equally important!

Below is a link to the rehearsal schedule for the first half of the summer term.

Please take note of when you are required, rehearsals will be Tuesday afterschool from 3:15 - 5pm.

PLEASE come to these prepared, having looked at and (preferably learned) the songs / scenes; it really makes it so much easier!

Rehearsal schedule

The Upper Key Stage 2 Team

Thursday 26 March 2015

Seussical Song words and videos

I found a great link to a series of YouTube videos which have the tracks plus the lyrics on them (in the description at the bottom!).

Will help to start learning all those words!

Happy listening!

Mr Edwards

 You tube videos

Song words

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Charlotte and Hattie's jamazing blog!!!!!! 

This week it was national science week and we have been doing lots of really fun activities.

On Monday we had a special visitor come in and in assembly she taught us alot of interesting facts, she also did lots of experiments and told us how they worked.
In one of the experiments she made toothpaste for her friends elephant and it exploded out of the tube and went into the bucket/container that was underneath the test tube.

We also went to a special workshop with her and we put an egg on top of a science bottle and put a flame in the bottle and the egg (called Egg-ward) got sucked into the bottle. And the scientist blew and the bottle and got Egg-ward out because of the pressure.

Through out the week we did lots of work shops with all different teachers.With Mr Edwards we did lots of egg experiments. One of he egg experiments was finding out if an egg could possibly bounce. Firstly we got a raw egg and dropped it into a bowl to see if it would bounce. However it just immediately cracked! We also walked on eggs and bounced eggs that been soaked in vinegar for 2 days! We also did experiments wit  
h all of the other teachers, such as:

  • Parachutes
  • Rockets
  • balloon powered cars
  • Home-made lava-lamps
  • Finding out what black ink was made from by using a special type of paper and some water
  • Walking on eggs and doing experiments with them. 
In class we also did lots of experiments, one of them was us trying to walk through 1 piece of A4 paper while only making one hole, some of us managed to do it but then we watched a video of how it could be done.First of all you have to get a piece of A4 paper and scissors.

First of all fold your piece of paper landscape ways and then cut half way up the folded side and then half way up the open side carry this on and then unfold the piece of paper and DO NOT cut the top and bottom joints only the ones in the middle.Then unfold it and you will have made a circle that you can fit through out of A4 paper.

We also did a experiment in class when we found out the surface tension on 1p coins 2p coins 5p coins 10p coins and 20p coins.
We got a pipit and a cup of water we put the coin on the table and put drops of water on the coin until the surface tension broke.

We also found out what colour black ink was.We found out that black ink was all different colours like pink, blue and dark purple.

At the end of the week parents came in and we set different stations for them to look at, showing them what we had done through out the week. One of the things we enjoyed was optical illusions, here are some to look at:

these are some illusions we liked and looked at.

By Hattie and Charlotte!!!!!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Sats revision material

Dear parents

The time seems to be flying by so quickly!

Obviously, the SATs tests for the year 6 children is coming closer and closer, and we have been asked by many parents as to what you could be doing at home to support your children in their learning.

We have therefore, put together a folder of useful resources, which you may wish to use at home. There is a collection which have been put together by the teachers, which we feel will be most beneficial.

Please follow the link below.

Let us know what you think of them!

Mr Edwards

Sats preparation revision

Wednesday 18 March 2015




In literacy we have been designing our own Rube Goldberg diagrams with instructions for all different kind of wacky things e.g. a contraption that puts a hat on your head(JACK), toast popping contraction (TOM),  Breakfast machine(CALLUM).

Started explanation texts




In science we have been making posters of the solar system , and finding out how old we are on different planets. We also looked at the Moon landing in 1969.  

In D.T we have been making our moonbuggy frames and sticking triangles on each of the corners to make the frame secure. We our now starting on putting the axis on for the wheels. 

Big write- this week in big write we have been planing our own instructions of how to catch a dragon:)

Our main highlight of the week was the revealing of the production  "Susical the musical!!!"
what part do you want to audition for (y6's)


What is brown and sticky? toffee apple

why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a whole in one

what is yellow,slimy and smells of bananas?monkey puke

Friday 13 March 2015

Seussical the Musical

We are very excited to announce that this year's Upper Key Stage 2 production will be:

Image result for seussical

Seussical the Musical is a great show, full of fun characters and catchy tunes, which  we are confident that will be great fun.

Children were given a pack of all the information about the show and also some song words to learn, along with a letter for parents.

Use the links below to help you preparing for this exciting show!

Audition pack and song tracks

Full vocal recording

Happy listening and learning!

Mr Edwards and the Upper Key Stage 2 team

Friday 6 March 2015

Eliana and Izzy's spectacular blog...........#2

Image result for smiley face


In literacy we have been doing instructions.We had a special visitor in called Mrs Dawkins.We wrote instructions on an illustration of a Rube Goldberg machine. We also wrote instructions based upon making tea.
Image result for smiley face


In maths we have been looking at fractions. We also looked at irregular fractions.Can you work out some of the following questions:

What is equal to 2/4?


We made posters of the solar system and then on wednesday, we worked out our age on different planets.


In Topic we wrote the causes of different crimes from the early modern period. For example, The rich people privatised the land that belonged to the common people, this was called enclosure. After this lots of people turned to poaching to find enough to eat. 

Big Write:

We continued a story called The Monster. We were focussing on VCOP. 

World Book Day!

Today is World Book Day at Oakwood! In assembly, the teachers performed a poem to the whole school and it was really funny. 
Lots of people came in dressed up as their favourite character from a book.
Miss Bick shared her favourite book with us, which is Eliana's favourite book as well: The Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman. 
We also went through to Lime Class and read to the year 3's.

We had a quiz about books, some questions were really challenging!

These were the winners of Best Costume in Sycamore Class

Thank you for reading our blog!