Thursday 19 June 2014

sycamore post 19th june 2014

 Sorry for the delay over the past few weeks the computer was broken and it was hard to update it so here is some information to update you!

The year 5's did a K'nex challenge which was really fun.

Kain,Will,Amy and Max knee got good learner awards.

In literacy we have been learning on the Giants necklace from the white horse of zennor trilogy.

Loads of pegs were moved to yellow sun and also in maths we all have been learning about the new word "BODMAS" it was awesome it stands for Brakets, Order, Divide, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.

I hope you are happy with the work we have been doing and also the form your year6 got and also we will inform you of all the events that have happened weekly from now on but if we forget and don't have enough time we will try to get it all in the next blog so check the blog up now and then! written by Kain Patel

Happy birthday Charlie

Monday 9 June 2014

Little Mermaid

We are getting very close to the production now - with just over a month to go.

Please keep listening to the songs which are on the blog earlier, and learn your words as soon as possible.

Below is a link to the song lyrics

Happy Learning!

Mr Edwards

Song Lyrics