Click here for the SATS meeting parent's handout if you missed the meeting.

The Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests are designed to test children’s knowledge and understanding of specific elements of the Key Stage 2 programmes of study. They provide a snapshot of a child’s attainment at the end of the key stage.
English and mathematics tests are taken at the end of Year 6, usually when children are 11-years-old. Level 6 tests are now part of the suite of Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests. These are are optional and are aimed at high attaining children.
At the end of Key Stage 2, teachers assess children’s attainment in English, mathematics and science. These teacher assessment judgements are reported to the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) as well as to parents. This year children will sit a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test. More information will follow about this test as and when we receive it.
The websites below may help you revise for your tests.