Friday 26 October 2012

Date: 26.10.12
Created by: Billy and Jason

Lateral Thinking Puzzle
How could a baby fall out a twenty-story building onto the ground and still be alive?


In literacy we have been making our very own films ,using new school video cameras. We haven't yet finished our films but they’re looking great.


This week in History we have been showing/learning about each others power points (presentations).
Art and D.T

In Art and D.T we have been making our moon buggies, some of us have even started decorating them.

In Geography (Enterprise) We are doing a fun fair called SYCAMORE SPECTACULAR. This will be held on the 26th October 2012. The Mangers of  Sycamore Spectacular are Billy Owen and Claudia Scrimgeour also  the Secretary is Jason Sutton.


In maths we have been learning about graphs and how to use them well.


In P.E this week we have been doing tag rugby learning new skills and techniques .

Words of the week!


Friday 19 October 2012

Message from the Teachers:

Please note that next week is Enterprise Week.  The children have decided to organise a Fair for their enterprise project.  The Fair will be held on Friday afternoon and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the 'Sycamore Spectacular'
This week's bloggers were: THOMAS GELLER AND JOE CURRAN


Star of the week:
Billy Owen

Friend of the week:

Louis Baker-Madec

Writer of the week:
Ethan Peacock
Things we have been doing in class
Literacy: In Literacy this week we have been making our own videos of us in a story and we got to bring in our own equipments.
Maths: In Maths this week we have been doing a few tests so the teachers could see what we needed to practice in our lessons.
Music: In Music Mr Edwards has been teaching us how to play James Bond 007 on the keyboard with both hands
History: In history we have been writing to people and companies about our different topics, for example, sports or transport over the last 80 years (from 1948 to 2012).
BMW wrote back to Finlay, Amy and Raj and sent them a toy version of their new car. 
Enterprise: As you probably know, we are having an enterprise week where we all get one pound and we have to make more money of it. We voted for a fair where we will do lots of fun activities.
Welcome back to our fifth blog of the Autumn Term. Like the other weeks we have been doing quality work in our classes, for example, in DT we have been making the shape of our own moving moon buggies.
Joke of the week:

Why did the cow cross the road?

Because it was the chicken’s day off.

Friday 12 October 2012


Friend of the week: The friend of the week is Katie
Well Done you really deserve this.

Star of the week:  The star of the week is Abbie.
Well done Abbie.
Writer of the week: The writer of the week is William K.
Well done William.
There was no birthdays this week. 
The amazing bloggers this week, Rachel and Grace , are the best in the world. This weeks blog will be so amazing it will blow you out of your seat and through the house window(if you have one).

A chat with…

What is your favourite thing about being in Year 6?
Being more confident and the end of year productions are exciting.

What lesson do you enjoy the most?
P.E because I like being energetic, Art because I like being creative and D.T

How do the teachers (Mrs Williams and Mrs Gilder) make your lessons fun? 
By adding chocolate buttons on the class globe, and by experimenting.

      What is your favourite thing about being in Year 6? 
  That we are the oldest in the school.

   What is your favourite lesson and why?
Science because we do a lot of different things and we always have fun. 

              What makes your school fun?
               The teachers in Sycamore Class are brilliant and funny.
Last week we had a very exciting talk from Mr Webster who is one of the school governors; He works with Ms Buckley on the money side. The talk was about Enterprise week and we were all very interested. Mr Webster talked about big companies such as Virgin and Apple and how they all started as an apprentice company. They all had a passion to do something which is one of the reasons why their businesses are so successful. We will have lots of fun in enterprise week.

Art and D.T
In Art and D.T most of us have got our moon buggies to move. We had a race in the hall and realised that not all of them moved in a straight line and not all of them worked. We will talk about this next lesson.

Archimedes:  This week Archimedes maths group have looked at shape.

Pythagoras: This week Pythagoras math group have looked at word problems.

Aristotle:  This week Aristotle maths group have started looking at shape.

In topic we have continued to finish our websites about the subject we have chosen to learn about. These are some of the subjects: we chose fashion, music, sport, technology and transport. They are coming along nicely. Thank you to family members who passed on addresses or replied to letters for us. 

In P.E we are doing tag rugby. In our lesson we learnt about passing and that we can only pass behind us. We worked in groups of 4 and we all had a really fun lesson.
An audience with

Louis: Louis brought in several badges which his mother brought in from the Olympics from volunteering.

Grace:  Grace gave a very interesting show and tell about all her amazing achievements in dancing. She does tap, modern and ballet and made everyone laugh.

Lauren:  Lauren did a show and tell about all the different countries. She brought in a passport which included information
  • Please remember to bring in supplies or decorations for your moon buggies.
  • Your child should always bring in her or he’s home work dairy Signed.
  • Home work must be handed in on a Monday as well.    
Words of the week

1.    Heart-clenching
2.    Ranted
3.    Bellowed
4.    Magnificent
5.    Blood-curdling
6.    Oasis

Friday 5 October 2012

Harvest Assembly
On Friday the 5th October we had a special Harvest assrmbely; in which some people from Sycamore and Willow peerformed solo'. The adults from Lyndon care home were very impressed and showed their gratitude. We all loved the singing and the school council showed us their own little play which involved showing us how far different food put on pizzas came from and encouraged us to cook our own food rather than pick up the phone and call a takeaway.Finlay and Raj.

Last Friday in golden time, in arts and crafts and cooking, some people  made some biscuits; they were based on animal and insects designs; here are some examples

Happy Birthday
Abbie and Lauren

Friend of the week:
Friend of the week is William Kerslake

Star of the Week :
star of the week this week is Jacob!


In literacy this week we have been looking at how to punctuate speech correctly. We have also been writing character descriptions. This has been great fun!

Pythagoras have been doing big number sums in their head. Aristotle have been investigating odd and even numbers.
Archimedes have been looking at shapes.

 In science we have been learning about how to set out information into graphs and charts; this has been very interesting.
Art and D.T

In Art and D.T we
have been finishing our moon buggies
some of us have
even got on to putting the motor.

This weeks amazing blogers are Finlay and Raj!!!!!!!!!!!
Space weather
In Space on the sun there are currently no sunspots actively flaring.
On October 3rd;  there was a close asteroid encounter the asteroid had a diameter of 29 metres.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Words of the week


National Poetry Day
Thursday was National Poetry Day.  As a class we had fun looking at the poems 'Please Mrs Butler' and 'The Supply Teacher'.