Monday 16 February 2015

Yousif and Harrys shamazing blog!!!!!!!!!!

 we have been doing different tests on different subjects like maths, literacy, reading and spellings.


In maths, we have been doing calculator tests, non-calculator test and mental maths which have all been very challenging. In mental maths and we both got very high scores. We both enjoyed all the tests.


In art we have been making optical illusions involving 3D hands. What you need is: A pencil, A4 paper, ruler, colouring pens and your hand. How to make it: first you get your piece of paper and trace round your hand onto the piece of paper. Then draw straight lines until you get to the hand and then draw a curved line then continue the straight line, keep doing it to the top also you can do different patterns.


We have entered the five hundred word challenge organised by BBC Radio 2. 

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