Tuesday 9 December 2014

Daisy and Lucy one of a kind blog !!!!!!!!!

DAISY&LUCY one of a kind blog!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas . It has been a wonder full week of fun leaning we hope you enjoy our informational blog.

 In art we have been looking at perspective drawing .We watched videos before trying to draw an indoor /out door picture. Once we have made a back ground ,the middle ground and the foreground. This will become a lovely Christmas card.


This week we have been doing two subjects. These have been: roman numaral /shapes.we are going to test you on  your knowledge . The shape I'm thinking of has 

1 edge
0 verticese
It is a hemisphere


In literacy we have been  looking at the story the Cat and Mouse. We were identifying the prepositions in the story. A preposition tells you the position of a noun. For example, the mouse is UNDER the table. The cat went THROUGH the catflap. The mouse was hiding BEHIND the cupboard. 
We have read the story of the Pearl Diver as a class. We wrote a diary entry about a day in the life of a pearl diver. We think we wouldn't like to be pearl divers because there are lots of threats in the water. Seahorses can make you go blind! In the story, Saeed's dad gets attacked by a shark, he escapes by sticking his fingers in the sharks gills. 


This week in Topic, Nat and Tom planned a lesson for the class.
 It was about world war 1 it was very fun . We got to watch fascinating videos of the trenches . Next we wrote a letter to our faimly pretending that we were in the army that we were going  over the top to no man's land.After they put us in groups of four to role play going over the top. We had a great time. 


In RE we have been watching videos of adverts to see if they are sacred, secular or pagan. Sacred is when christmas is celebrated in the nativity way.Secular is when you celebrate by eating cakes opening presents. Pagan is were you celebrate by decorating the christmas tree a bit like secular.


There has been a organisation that all the children around the world
 have to do an hour of programming. It is called the Hour of Code . Our class went on the official website and watched a video of lots of celebrities telling us about there experiences of programming and why it is so important to learn. Mark Zuckerberg, who is the CEO of Facebook said that if you can code then you can create anything you can imagine. After we played on scratch a programming game were we leant lots of new things. 


In PE we have done dance we have been dancing to grease the hand jive . we have all memorised it as a class.Are teacher are have tought  us about canon uieson also what motife means(like the chours but dancing)
What do elves lean at school?
The elfabet
what is the best Christmas present in the world?
A broken drum,you just cat't baet it

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