Friday 5 December 2014

Charlotte and Issy's best blog ever


In maths we have been doing BODMAS which means B- brackets O- order D- divide M- multiply 
A- addition S- subtraction.
Now we are moving on to doing square numbers and cube numbers.
Here are a few questions- 68x68= 4624

In art we have been doing Aztec mozaics ,weaving, jewlery and gods eyes.


In science we are learning about condensation, evaporation.
And this week we have been doing revesible and irreversible changes.
Can you awnser these questions?
Is making popcorn reversible or irreversible?  irreversible
Star of the week
Katie was Star of the Week this week because she performed very well in the play and is always ready to challenge herself in lessons.


In literacy we have been learning about stories from other cultures. We looked at Ali Baba, we learnt that you should never steal things because it will end badly. It is a moral tale from the Middle East. 


In topic we are finishing off the Aztecs. we looked at the end of the Aztec Empire, when the Spanish invaded. The Aztecs caught smallpox from the conquistadores, and Spanish attacked Tenochtitlan. 

Good Learner

Our Good learner was Izzy G because she creates imaginative work and always listens.
We will now interview Daisy about why she thinks Izzy was the good learner-
 " Hello Daisy."
"Hi Issy hi Charlotte."
"Why do you think Izzy is the good learner?"
"I think she is the good learner because she always has good ideas and joins in class discussions."
Now we are going to interview Izzy
"why do you think your the good learner?"
"I think i'm the good learner because i did very,very,very good homework every week and i also think im the good learner because i am quite imaginative."
"Thank you Daisy and Izzy."


In P.E we are learning dance with Mrs Heather and Hockey with Miss Bick.
In dance we are learning the hand jive.
In hockey we are learning how to pass, intercept and how to play a full game.


In music we are learning the Hari Krishna song
 here are the lyrics so we can all sing it to Miss Bick
Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna
Krishna, Krishna
Hari, Hari


What's brown and sticky?a stick 
What starts with E and ends with E and only has one letter in it?envelope
What do you call a three legged donkey?Wonky

Why didnt the man play cards in the jungle?because there were loads of cheeters

Why does the ocean roar?because it has crabs on its bottom.

What's green and goes boing-boing-boing?spring cabbage

What do you call an Eskimos cow?an Eskimoo

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