Friday 14 November 2014

Alissa and Danielle's Blog


In maths this week we have been learning how to do long multiplication using the expanded method and the normal method. In class we also did a millionaire quiz as a whole class.
This week our spelling rule is pp-ed and rr-ed. We have been learning how to spell words like popped shipped and lapped. For pp-ed and for rr-ed we have been learning how to spell words like jarred,barred and spurred. 
In topic this week we have been learning how to write Aztec numbers using symbols. It is quite complicated to write the aztec numbers because you need to draw symbols. For example, one diamond is 10 in Aztec symbols. 

In literacy our topic is journalism,and this week we have been learning how to write a script, we were pretending it was for the radio. The theme for the news script was a boy who gets left at home by his parents after their family left for their holiday. You had to include lots of things like lines for the reporter and the reporter on the scene and key witnesses and so on. These news stories are based on the movie, Home Alone.


In PE we are doing 2 topics. With the PE coaches we are doing dance, and with Miss Bick, we are doing hockey. In hockey we are learning how to pass to each other, and we are getting started on how to play a hockey game. On Monday we were playing a passing game like piggy in the middle. Two players had to pass to each other while one of the players was in the middle, trying to get the ball from the other two people. We also played another game where Miss Bick had to call out a number, and we had to do an action for that number. For example, if Miss Bick called out number 1 we had to find one partner. When she wasn't calling out any numbers, we would run around.

In art this week  we have been working on our Aztec weaving. We are learning to weave Aztec bookmarks with stripes. We weave them with a needle and wool. we have woven a lot of patterns and we all really enjoyed doing it. 


This week in RE we have been learning about Buddha's and how they stay happy in life. We have all seen the eight fold path,and what it leads to.[ Enlightenment.] Sycamore class has been asked to draw our own eight fold path. We had to draw a circle and in that circle we had to write eight steps that lead you to enlightenment. Here is an example of one of the steps you have to reach enlightenment. Be a good friend. To be a good friend, you need to treat your friends the way you want to be treated.

 Remembrance Day!
As we all know, on Tuesday, the eleventh of November, it was Remembrance day. We hope that you all joined in the two minute silence at 11 o'clock, and thought about all of the soldiers that died in the Great War. 

Thank you for Reading our Blog!

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