Friday 1 March 2013

Sycamore Blog
By Amy and Katie

Maths: In maths we are doing coordinates.
The one rule is to go along the corridor first and then up or down the stairs.

Science: In science we are doing a test on our tables ,about how water evaporates. We had to make it a fair test by only changing one thing.

Literacy: In literacy we are doing arguments for and against. We had a debate on whether mobile phones should be banned from school.
Writer of the week:

Star of the week:

Puzzle: There is a man in a twelve story flat, he gets the lift to the seventh floor and walks the rest of the way, Why?

Why are babies so good at football?
Because they can dribble.

Answers: Puzzle: He is a Dwarf so he can only reach the seventh button in the lift.

Audience with: Lauren with her 2nd scrap book of her holiday in New Zealand and Katie and her arts and crafts .Joe and Claudia also did an ammasing show and tell.



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