Friday 1 February 2013

This weeks Amazing bloggers are: JASON and BILLY!


In Literacy this week we have been learning about similes and metaphors. We had to create a cartoon face and describe it using similes and metaphors.


This week in Maths we have been finishing fractions and starting rounding.


In History we have been learning about the Aztecs, we designed and made our own Aztec cities. With cardboard we made the base of the city.


In Art this week we designed are Aztec chest ornaments. Firstly we drew are design on paper, then we cut out the design on cardboard and drew our design on it.

Star of the week: This weeks is star of the week is Louis.
Friend of the week: This weeks friend of the week is Louis.
Birthdays: Happy birthday to Raj.

Audience with:

In audience withs this week Holly talked about her school in Spain and Eloise talked about her going indoor skydiving.

In science this week we have been doing an experiment on which soil has the most air in it out of top soil, sand, compost and clay. We found out that compost has the most air in it.

Bird watching

This week Sycamore took part in the RSPB Birdwatch. We mostly found crows, rook, magpies and common gulls.

Jokes of the week:

1:What did Saturn say to Jupiter?
A: I will give you a ring some time.

2: Why did the cow cross the road?
A: To get to the udder side.

3: Why does your holiday money go further in Hawaii?
A:Because everythings aloha price.

4: MUM: Why are you standing on the computer?
A: BOY: Im surfing the internet.

5: What do a Red wood tree and a Jumba tree have in common when swimming?
A: Huge trunks.

 Messages: Good luck to those doing Cross-country running and chess this weekend. 

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