Friday 16 November 2012

This week's bloggers were Katie and Holly

Science: In science we were learning about why the moon appears to change shape . We found out that it appears to change shape because the sun reflects on different parts the moon..

Maths:In maths we are doing data and bar graphs. We did a tally chart  asking everyone what cracking times table level they are on. The majority of the people were on level five.

Art: In art we did Christmas cards in 3D.
In the cards we noticed the different levels of drawing!

Topic:In topic we have been doing Britain since  1948-2000 and started doing our assembly with Rowan and Willow.

P.E: In P.E we split in to 4 groups and did a dance routine to thriller.

 Star of the week: Joe

Friend of the week: Joe

Writer of the week: Ethan
Children in need:As a class we raised £34.60 just for dressing up! At school we dressed up in spots.

 For the Talent competition we had a very high standard of entries.  Well done Natasha, Eloise, Joe and Billy, Ethan, Nick and Jaiyeola, Grace and Claudia who went on to the final. 

In our sharing assembly we are doing a play with Willow and Rowan. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.  
As a class Thomas won the Christmas CD cover.

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